Sunday, November 8, 2009

Myles says his first word!

Well, Myles said his first word yesterday, cheeseburger, can you believe it! Okay, that's a flat out lie. His first word was dada. He say's it none stop dada dada dada. It's so darn cute. I must admit, I've been doing my best at saying mama at least twenty times a day since he was born, hoping he would be influenced in some way...........He also is now munching on organic teething cookies. He pounds it on his high chair tray, then nibbles, then again, pounds, it's quite entertaining. Also, his new favorite activity in the bath? Jay squirting him with his water toy's. Myles laugh's and laughs, it the cutest thing. As soon as I figure out how to post video, I'll get it on. Another favorite of Myles, is washing his hands in the sink. He could do this all day, of which he has dish pan hands at an awfully young age. Poor little guy!

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Viva Las Vegas

Myles first dip in the pool!

Myles Jai