Saturday, February 4, 2012


We as a family have taken on a challenge to help save lives. To help fund research and financial support to those we love currently fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We feel like this is such an important cause as a family and are training hard to raise money for research. The three of us all in it together, running, stretching, licking envelopes, meeting so many people affected in some way. We want to help. Please visit our Leukemia/Lymphoma web page at for more information on how you can help. Also, please share any stories of you or your families struggles/hopes/inspirations you've had with cancer.
Together we can make a difference.

Myles all prepped to run.
Slow and steady, little guy. We can do this!
Time to stretch and do a quick little jig.
A photo finish!

Myles is getting an edge on me..........
And the winner is a landslide. Hoorrray for Myles!

1 comment:

  1. With his energy it doesn't surprise me that he can run circles around you. Even though you're in good shape yourself who can compete with a 2 year old?


Viva Las Vegas

Myles first dip in the pool!

Myles Jai