Sunday, May 26, 2013

Myles Preschool Graduation

 I am so sad. I couldn't get my camera to get a decent photo with the blaring lights. 
The entire school singing "Walking on Sunshine."
 Myles class singing, he's in the back row, last yellow shirt to the left.
 We were so proud of them, they sang 3 songs, including "Little Bear, Little Bear," which they also did in sign language. I wish we could just see them better darn it!

                                                   Miss Diana's Sunbeam Class
 Myles and his buddy, Beau.
                                                                    Proud parents
                                                               Good job buddy!

This is how Kuna roles!

Our good friends had a Graduation party for their son, William this weekend and boy do they know how to throw a party!
                                       Lesson learned to us, not to buy your child's favorite underwear right before a big event. What happens you ask? He tells his friends, "I got new underwear, wanna see?" At this moment, reaching for his zipper. His friend Zadie replies, "NO I DON'T!" Yes, we learned our lesson and had a nice parenting moment with Myles afterwards. Hard not to laugh at these moments.

 Included in the extravaganza were Hawaiian dancer's and entertainment. To lead one instruction, they pulled people from the audience, one being Jay. Oh boy, what a great night!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Myles last day of Preschool

Well, if you want to get technical, this is Myles last day of Preschool for this year. He has one more year of Preschool before the big K! It was pajama day for the last day of school.
 Myles has just loved his year at Sunshine Preschool and his teacher, Miss Diana. She is so loving, kind and does a wonderful job teaching these little munchkins. It's been so heartwarming to get to know all of these sweet kids and befriend the parents too. It's a little sad to say goodbye.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Myles vs. the Idaho Spud and the Famous Potato Run

 Myles has this weird issue with Mascot's. He thinks they are generally creepy, but in this case, Myles just laughed uncontrollably at the Idaho Spud. Not sure what this means, will he be a fan of the delicious carb when he grows up, just like his mom? Or does he find it ridiculous that someone would seriously spend there Saturday in a Potato costume? Either way, it was fun to watch him react to something that most adults just pass by. Having kids makes everything so much more bright, bold and fun!
 The Bantz Family post half marathon, I love that my son gets to experience the excitement of the race and how much fun it can be. Hopefully, watching his mom will inspire a running itch in himself?

Myles last group lessons with his buddies

 Myles has had a blast with his buddies in swimming lessons. They are all so cute and playful together, each having fun and learning so much together.
                                          Here they are watching the big kids swim laps.
                                       Myles pretending like he is a shark under the water.

                                     Myles getting ready to dive into the deep end of the pool.
 After the end of each class, the kids run to the hot tub and soak up the warmth for a few minutes.
 Too bad this video is not right side up, seems like I am technically challenged. Good luck watching Myles dive into the pool!
 Okay, so at the first two seconds of the video, you see Coach Alex with his hands up in the air. Myles floats for a few seconds by himself on his back! Yaay Myles!
Myles doing his epic Chicken, Eagle Soldier. Next month, Myles will start private lessons with Coach Alex. We are so excited to see what Mr. Myles is capable of with one on one teaching. Pics and video soon to follow!

Monday, May 13, 2013

How could it get better than this?

We were invited to spend a lovely evening with Detrik's family for a Saturday night Mother's day dinner.

 Myles, Dustin and Detrik chasing, wrestling and acting like typical boy's......Myles just loved it and adores them. He's talked about the fun he had ever since we left that night.

                                                        Who's up for a DOG PILE?

Everyone laughing and playing together as a family. We adore them.

                                                        They are just so cute together!

We can't imagine a life any different than this. A family with so much love to give and share together for this special boy. To be a part of this, we are lucky. To share such a genuine and pure love seems like one and a million and we have won this beautiful lottery. Thank you for the memories and the true example of what family can be. We are truly grateful.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Who wants to play soccer?

I think we bit a little more off than we can chew......Myles buddy, Jack signed up for soccer, so we thought it would be so cute if they played together on the same team. Sounds like a blast huh, but not when we just signed Myles up for another round of swimming lessons also. So, most of the week, we spend packing swim trunks or shin guards and cheering Myles on! Here he is at his very first practice!

 If you've never seen a large group of 4, 5 and 6 year olds trying to be instructed on the game of soccer, it's really entertaining. One parent said "it's like herding cat's."
 After an hour of seriousness, it's time to get down and shake our booties, says Jack and Myles.

                                            Myles all ready for his first game. Go Team White!

 Myles getting ready for kick off, all in all the kids did a fantastic job. What a good first game we had, parents forming a bridge and cheering, for the little one's to run underneath.

Viva Las Vegas

Myles first dip in the pool!

Myles Jai