Sunday, May 19, 2013

Myles last group lessons with his buddies

 Myles has had a blast with his buddies in swimming lessons. They are all so cute and playful together, each having fun and learning so much together.
                                          Here they are watching the big kids swim laps.
                                       Myles pretending like he is a shark under the water.

                                     Myles getting ready to dive into the deep end of the pool.
 After the end of each class, the kids run to the hot tub and soak up the warmth for a few minutes.
 Too bad this video is not right side up, seems like I am technically challenged. Good luck watching Myles dive into the pool!
 Okay, so at the first two seconds of the video, you see Coach Alex with his hands up in the air. Myles floats for a few seconds by himself on his back! Yaay Myles!
Myles doing his epic Chicken, Eagle Soldier. Next month, Myles will start private lessons with Coach Alex. We are so excited to see what Mr. Myles is capable of with one on one teaching. Pics and video soon to follow!

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Viva Las Vegas

Myles first dip in the pool!

Myles Jai